Thursday, June 2, 2016

Scott's Metal Track of the Day - Hush by Tool

I can't say what I want to, even if I'm not serious.
I can't say what I want to, even if I'm just kiddiiiiingg!

Today's Metal Track is Hush by Tool. This is off of their 1992 major label debut EP Opiate. This was their first ever video and it, along with the song, are protests against Tipper Gore and her censorship movement in the late 80s. The signs worn by the band in the video are a parody of the "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics" label that was introduced in 1990. Ironically, the label backfired and made those albums even more popular!

This video is still the only video to feature the band members. They were also in their extremely popular video for Sober but just via brief flashes.

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